Guess the cards in the very standard Poker game for bettors

Those who play card games to exchange rewards will surely know about Poker cards. In particular, guessing cards in Poker game is one of the topics that new players learn. Because knowing how to guess cards will help bettors shorten the winning time. For more information, let’s W88 find out how to guess the article in detail in the article below.

Poker game overview W88

Before learning about the content of guessing cards in the Poker game, let’s review some W88 Poker information. Poker card game does not rely on luck but on logical thinking. Like many card games, use a 52-card deck and each player will be dealt 2 cards.

Coming to the W88 Poker card game, you will be able to experience extremely interesting betting at this house game lobby. Many levels of rafters as well as extremely attractive payout percentages.

The reason why bettors learn how to guess Poker 

Referring to Poker, longtime card game players will know this interesting card game. Poker is a card game with logical thinking, players use a lot of strategies to play. In particular, guessing cards in Poker game is one of the strategies that Poker players need.

In particular, the psychological mastery in the bet is always the same, not only about the Poker card game. Because psychological factors playing Poker will be able to determine whether you can win or lose in the bet. Not only that, thanks to the way to grasp the psychology, you will easily trick the opponent into the trap.

Therefore, the ability to guess cards in the Poker game will have a very important role that Poker players remember. You just need to pay attention, observe and read the opponent’s position to know what card you hold in your hand. Maybe eyes, gestures, actions are the way that anyone can base to judge.

Guessing cards in the Poker game

Experience of guessing cards in extremely standard Poker card game

You are a newbie and first time betting at Poker W88, want to know how to guess the cards in the standard Poker game. The following content will experience guessing articles that you can’t miss, also keep an eye on it.

Take time to observe 

Capturing the opponent’s psychology forces you to spend time and effort to observe. Observe everything, first the action, then the gameplay after each bet. You can evaluate and judge whether this game is in favor of master or passive. From there, you will read the opponent’s psychology quickly.

On the other hand, after reading the opponent’s mentality, you upgrade your tactics to defeat the opponent. Since the playing strategies must be constantly renewed, you will win your bets easily.

Watch closely how your opponent arranges chips

Next is to observe how the opponent arranges his chips on the Poker hand. Although it is just a simple action, this will be a quick identification. Specifically, you can tell if your opponent is holding a high or low hand from this way.

For those who don’t care about piles of chips, leaving chips on them is the active type. That means they are holding a high-scoring card and can win the bet. On the contrary, those who arrange their chips carefully and neatly are in the passive. They will have a low chance of winning the bet compared to the above case.

In addition to the above two cases, there are people who Call/Bet/Raise a large amount of chips. This is also the case when people with strong cards act like this.

Pay attention to how your opponent bets chips

One of the experiences to guess the cards in the game of Poker is to pay attention to how the opponent bets chips. If the opponent shows, attracts attention through buying chips, the probability of winning is high. If the opponent doesn’t want to make a noise, just call quietly, they tend to play passively.

Taking advantage of these two points through betting will help players guess and make a reasonable move. It is also the fastest and simplest experience that anyone can apply successfully.

See the opponent’s reaction

Watching the opponent’s reaction in guessing cards in the game of Poker is also a popular way to play. After the dealer turns over 3 Flop/Turn-Card/River-Card cards to announce. At this moment, you hear the sound of mouth smacking, the face shows displeasure, then you will be deceived. Because, this action will mostly be intentionally pretending that their cards are not high, to wait for the opponent to turn over.

On the other hand, those who are elated when they turn up the card, they will definitely have a low hand. Take this opportunity to quickly bet higher to win.

The experience of guessing cards in the Poker game above is compiled from the sharing of experienced players. Hopefully this information will help you apply successfully when betting on Poker games. Register W88 now to be able to experience another exciting card game.

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